Thursday, April 12, 2007

I'm not quite seeing the attraction

Australia has just started selling a $50 cup of coffee. I don't know about you but I think that Starbucks has pricey coffee. Oh right I forgot to add the main ingredient to this potent cup of coffee...The droppings of a Asian Palm Civet. So I'm failing to see this whole marketing ploy that is going to make this a hit. Not only is it expensive but your drinking coffee that was once inside of a Luwak. I guess I can't really put it down since I haven't tried it but it sure does seem interesting.

Have a Fantastic Day!!


Charles D. Leibrand said...

Why the middle man, why not get the bean straight from the tree?

James said...

Yea I didn't quite understand that either. Maybe it's like shrooms where the crap actually helps it. Well at least that is what I was told.