Saturday, February 10, 2007


If you love to travel and want an excuse that will help rationalize an amazing expenditure I have the answer for you. The National Outdoor Leadership School is a place that takes you around the world and teaches you very valuable skills needed to be a leader. You can choose between backpacking, rock climbing, kayaking, fishing and many other activities. They have experts take you away from civilization and you have to learn the skill and then learn to teach the class. Not only do you become an expert at the activity but you actually learn how to lead others because you are given a day where you lead the whole class on a day trip. I believe that the best way to learn about anything is to be given the opportunity to do it yourself, and this school seems to have taken that principle and revolved around it. You do what you love and you grow.

Have a Fantastic Day!!


amk said...

wow, they have a horsepacking class. but its $4,500 for three weeks. :O(

James said...

Yea, the price kind of sucks but we will just have to come up with a way to scam people to support us. Maybe if we play the whole 'my parents have abandoned me and I am trying to get through college' angle. Or we can dress up as Santa and stand right outside stores ringing the bell and tell them it's Christmas in February. There's got to be some way!