Monday, February 12, 2007

Stupid Accounting

Yesterday I went into Flint and experienced a new thing, 'Hairspray.' If you have never heard of it, like I never did before getting invited, it is a great play. It pinpoints self-confidence, appearance vs. reality, racial discrimination and had a lot to do with overweight people. It is a new age look on the old problems of the 60's. It is a comical musical but it get a little awkward at times as an overweight African-American family sat right next to us. Luckily they didn't take any offense so all is good. Actually if you look at it all the jokes kind of make fun of the white people for thinking so narrowly and shut-off during that time period. Even though we still face some discrimination today we have come a long way from what it used to be.

If you enjoy musicals you will enjoy this one and I hope you have a chance to see it.

Have a Fantastic Day!!

P.S. (can you even use P.S. on a blog?, eh why not?) It is almost six in the morning and I have yet to go to sleep, still trying to do my accounting homework which gives further confirmation about the Artichoke's post on procrastination on homework.

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